Why KAPspotting™?
Two revolutionary therapies paired for the ultimate breakthrough in trauma healing
What is KAPspotting™?
KAPspotting combines two cutting-edge treatments, ketamine and brainspotting. When ketamine is used in conjunction with brainspotting or other effective therapy, the biochemical effects of the medicine are paired with changes in cognitive and behavioral patterns to effect sustained changes. Ketamine downregulates fear, which can help you access emotional material and traumatic memories that otherwise would be challenging to discuss.

Client Intake
You’ll meet with your therapist for an Intake Appointment. Your therapist will send a referral to the medical doctor.
Preparation Session
You’ll have a preparatory brainspotting session with your therapist.
Medical Clearance
You’ll have a consultation with
the medical doctor to assess
KAP eligibility.
KAP Session
You’ll bring the ketamine lozenges to the sessions. You’ll self-administer the lozenge at the beginning of session by placing it under your tongue.
Ketamine Prescription
If eligible, the medical doctor develops a treatment plan and sends the ketamine prescription to a compounding pharmacy. The pharmacy will ship the ketamine to you
Follow-up Consultations
You’ll have a follow-up consultation with the medical doctor to monitor the outcome of the treatment.

Our founder, Dr. Nicolette Bautista, was the first to develop a specific protocol for pairing ketamine with brainspotting. KAPspotting is now trademarked. A registered mark application is pending with the U.S. Patent and Registration Office.
“A quote comes to mind when I think about what happens when ketamine and brainspotting are paired,” says Dr. Bautista.
“Frederick Buechner says, ‘A miracle is when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A miracle is when one plus one equals a thousand.’”
Clients can expect a range of experiences and benefits, including:
A relaxing time-out from ordinary thinking and worries
Decrease in negative or obsessive thoughts
Shifts in self-perspective, relationships, and worldview
Increase in self-compassion and self-identity
Increased creativity and cognitive flexibility
A broader outlook on challenging situations and problems
Reduction of fear and disruption of painful memories
Improved neuroplasticity and dendritic growth
Reversal of cellular damage caused by stress
Intrinsic antidepressant response
Improved ability to experience happiness and pleasure
Changes in rejection sensitivity
Changes in avoidance behaviors
Potential of having a spiritual or mystical experience
What People Say
“You have helped me truly discover my happiness, and despite how terrifying this trauma journey can be, I’m getting closer to healing my soul, a spiritual peace, and finally some redemption… and it’s not even about me anymore.”
“Thank you so very much Dr. Bautista, for everything you have done for my wife and me! The journey continues to be an amazing and beautiful one. I can honestly say I have never in my life felt the way that I do now. We could not have done this without your help. You are an amazing and gifted person. Please never forget that.”
“I could not help but reflect on this time, one year ago – when I could not even pick up the phone by myself – and you decided to pull me back out of work for another while. So here I am now, solving problems at work without any angst! Thank YOU! I could never have done this without you.”
Ready to Make a Change?
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